The silence broken (Shofar series part 4)
In ‘The Fulness of the Gentiles’, the author presents a remarkable exegesis of this biblical concept. Rev. Dr. A.A. Leenhouts explains this ‘Fulness of the Gentiles’ as ‘God breaking His silence’ through a fulfilling act of salvation in the Gentile world, in order to ‘graft His chosen people into their own olive tree again’.
In this way he states, a consistency can be observed in God’s actions by involving the Gentile world for the purpose of the salvation and the restoration of the Jewish people. Furthermore he states there is a causal connection between the time of the ‘Fulness of the Gentiles’ and the conversion of Israel, which will ultimately result in the advent of the millennial kingdom, the ‘pre-Sabbath’ of the nations.
The author observes a gap, created by the Church and theologians, between ‘the restoration of the kingdom to Israel’ and Jesus’ commission to world mission. According to Rev. Leenhouts, this is the reason why every ecumenical striving is fruitless and all attempts for world peace are endlessly frustrated. This gap became official in 325 AD at the First Council of Nicaea where the Church separated itself from Judaism by establishing her own date for celebrating Easter. According to the author, the restoration of the kingdom to Israel preludes the breakthrough of the kingdom of God and the dawn of the times of refreshing.
© 2017 Testimony and Unity Foundation.
Paperback, 358 pages.
ISBN: 978-90-73014-19-0
Available at Testimony and Unity Foundation (Stichting Getuigenis en Eenheid)
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